2    cups olive oil                                                          

2   teaspoons oregano

½   cup plus 1 tablespoon lemon juice              

salt and pepper to taste

¾   cup butter

2    tablespoons minced garlic                                      


sliced chunks of tenderloin 1- 1 1/2 “  thick


Combine olive oil, ½ cup lemon juice, 1 ½ tablespoons garlic, 1 teaspoon oregano and salt and pepper.  Place tenderloins in marinade for 2-3 hours. Place chunk flat on large oven pan and pour marinade over. Cover with aluminum foil and Broil to desired doneness. Melt butter and add remaining garlic, lemon juice and oregano; mix thoroughly. When done transfer to plates and top with butter sauce (and marinade from pan if desired). All quantities can be adjusted to desired taste i.e. if you desire more oregano, lemon juice, garlic.